Monday, May 4, 2015

Journal Entry No. 13


I had a discussion yesterday with Takeda Shido, a person enlisted in the Caldari Navy militia. Despite this she helped me with my troubles.
Specifically, the disappearance of my Assistant, Kasurin Makise. She suggested that Kasurin pulled a runner on me. That is, took the money and ran off with it. I discredited this pretty quickly through the lack of even a pilot's profile on her name. However, she refuted that again quickly.
"She's an excellent hacker, right?" Ms. Shido had asked. "Couldn't she have hacked the databases and deleted her pilot's profile?"
I objected to this by showing her my Captain's Log. If that were the case, then her name should have at least appeared in my Journal entries. She could have hacked my electronic journal easily enough, but I keep a backup of my Log in paper format. And yet, her name did not appear once.
None of my crew remember her, either. I told her that this spotty memory of mine was rather confusing---I'd gotten a remap recently, which decreased my intelligence while increasing my memory capacity. One would think that a person would remember more after remapping to a high standardized stat of memory.
As a result, she suggested I request a Systems Analysis of the remap, to make sure nothing went wrong. I made my way to Slays and did such, though they stated the results would not come back for a few days.
She offers several various theories on how precisely Miss Makise could have conspired against me and ran off with my money. I doubted this personally, and told her the story of how I rescued her and gave her capsuleership. She retorted with the possibility that the corporation she was originally from had set this entire thing up---gain my trust, learn capsuleer technology in the process, run off with my money.
At this point I was beginning to grow annoyed. "Let's think of this another way." I told her. "Why don't we focus on other contradictions within my memory instead of thinking 1001 ways how my supah hacka could have conspired against me. For example, according to my crew, I grew increasingly addicted to narcotics after I failed to rescue Miss Makise. However," I claimed. "I have never taken any narcotics, and don't intend to. It's against my moral code."
She thought for a bit, and replied, "Is it possible you were slipped some narcotics? It's much easier to take them once you are slipped some at first."
"I'm rather obsessive over my food," I told her. "I only eat at a few select station restaurants, and most of my food I prepare myself."
"...I see."
"Look, everything was just fine this last night. Today, however, when I woke up and entered my ship, I felt this sudden surge of vertigo. I grew dizzy all of a sudden, and an instant later I was standing inside the Captain's Cabin, away from the ship."
"Are you sure that---"
"Look, I know what that sounds like. But I assure you, there was no narcotics involved. No time had elapsed between when I was entering my ship and when I suddenly appeared in the Captain's Cabin. It was as if I'd teleported there instantaneously."
"Could it have been that? A sudden spatial jump?"
"I doubt it, that doesn't account for any of the other strange occurrences." Unless... I thought...
It seemed Ms. Shido had the same thought. "Have you considered the possibility of spatio-temporal displacement? Quantum shifts?"
I briefly mentioned the artifact I had of my ancestor, the one that suddenly began displaying the number 0 . 5 7 1 0 4 6.
"An irregularity in Bosons could THEORETICALLY cause an area to shift, although this isn't the only means through which something like this could happen."
I pointed out that none of the empires, or even CONCORD, has access to this kind of technology. If they did they'd keep it secret, but even so, this sort of technology is so far-off that not even the pinnacle of science could possibly know how to achieve it right now.
"Well, obviously." She said. "It's purely theoretical, and no such shifts have been documented."
"Then that means..." I pondered. "The only race capable of such a thing would be..." A startling revelation hit me.
Ms. Shido confirmed what I thought. "The Jovians."
"Specifically, the Jove Empire, Second Directorate. Known more commonly as the Drifters." I specified.
"Perhaps where you come from, your Assistant is alive and well, but she died long ago here."
I immediately thought about the wormholes that the Drifters guard so viciously. What are they hiding? Alternate timelines?
I'll spare the details, but we discussed this a bit further: what if one were to approach the wormhole cloaked, where the Drifters have been loitering around recently, why they are so interested in capsuleer corpses, et cetera.
Since this discussion, I've taken some personal observations on the Seekers and Drifters with regards to the wormhole and a Jove Observatory. This has become a rather long entry, so I'll save that for a later time along with the results of the remap analysis.
El. Psy. Congroo.

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