Thursday, February 27, 2014

Journal Entry No. 3


About a week ago, I decided to join a new corporation, a budding corporation that is focusing on both Mining and Missioning, the two things I prefer to do the most. Due to the old office being in the Amarr quarter of space, we do have a few Amarrians in the corporation, but they don't seem to be a threat to us; they aren't trying to preach to us or anything like that. Once I joined, however, the office had already been moved to Minmatar space. We mined and missioned for a while in peace, but then a few days after I joined a small but powerful corporation declared war on us, and I have yet to know why. We have not insulted or confronted them in any way, I don't believe we had ever even been in contact with them? So why... why did they go for our corporation rather than any other? Is it perhaps because there are secrets that they feel that they must keep me or any other capsuleers of my corporation from finding out? Perhaps it has to do with how soon after I joined that they declared war on us. Do they want to keep me from finding out the truth about my ancestor?

Speaking of my ancestor. A day or two ago, I met a new capsuleer in the Minmatar section of space under the name Astaroth Crow. She read my bio I put on my description for all to see, and sent me a message about it without me even having to ask or anything.
Rintarou... I read your short autobiography posted in the Concord book of known capsuleers. I noticed that you referenced your ancestor, but you did not name him. Do you not know his name? Anyways, I have some information that might prove useful to you. He had a code greeting he would say to people to end a conversation. While I do not know what the phrase is supposed to mean, I know what he said. "El. Psy. Congroo," he would often say.
~Astaroth Crow
Thank you, Astaroth. It would seem I am not insane after all; everyone I've asked thus far has just stared at me blanky, wondering who the heck I am talking about. Unfortunately, as you said, I do not know my ancestor's full name; only his first name, Rintarou, as I was named after him. Much of my family was named after him, though we lost his surname long ago. But now, with a phrase, I am sure this will help me pinpoint my search greatly. Is there anything else you might now of him? Any stories, or anything like that?
~Takashi Rintarou
Unfortunately that phrase is all I know about him, but if I find any more information through various sources I will attempt to inform you immediately. As for his name, I might suggest seeking out the Makise family in the Amarr section of space. They are a family of primarily scientists, and most of them are on-board scientists rather than capsuleers. Since they do not believe in the coherence of science and religion, most of their family is for the most part afraid to apply to become capsuleers. Nonetheless, there are likely a few capsuleers in their family. Anyways, I think they were closely tied with your ancestor at one point, so you might should consider tracking them down and asking them. They might be nervous about their safety, openly rejecting the Amarr traditions and all, but if you can get them into your cargo hold, and into a station, they should be okay.
~Astaroth Crow
I thanked her again for her help. But such incredible luck! To just have happened to have moved to Minmatar space around the same time that a newer capsuleer happened to have seen and contacted me with extremely useful information! The chances of this happening so flawlessly are so slim, but nonetheless, it happened. Yes, that must be it. Destiny itself has favored me over others to find out the truth and overthrow the government that rules from the shadows!

*The conversation with Astaroth Crow was fabricated to further the story, but the fact that she contacted me for the purpose of my character bio was true.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Journal Entry No. 2


I joined a corporation two days ago, the Tax Evasion Ninjas. It is a budding mining corporation with only a few members in it, and just yesterday I found out that the CEO of the corporation is actually only a few days into the game herself. The corporation itself is very helpful and friendly, and does not cuss. Furthermore, the Tax Evasion Ninjas quite fittingly, have the amazingly low tax rate of 1.0%.

As such, I am beginning to reconsider whether I should continue to stay in this corporation. As much as I would enjoy becoming second-in-command, having joined only a day or two after the corporation was founded, I believe that fortune comes first. I'd rather pay a slightly larger tax and get mining boosts, fleet protection, etc., than have a low tax and not fleet much. Granted, there is always the chance that Tax Evasion Ninjas might go large, that they might become a major or semi-major corporation. However, with how much experience the CEO has, I highly doubt this. Not to say that I am much more experienced, but still...

I've been looking into Red Eagle Industries corporation. I had a nice chat with one of the recruiters, Emma Chasteau. She informed me that they were a small but growing corporation with two small offices in LowSec. As of now, she confirmed my suspicion that they were a HighSec corporation based on how many members are in it. However, she then followed that up with stating their goal to then move on to LowSec and possibly even NullSec once they got more members. It is obvious that I would gain a great profit by joining this corporation, possibly even a position of power since I joined the corporation so early.

However, they are primarily Amarrians. While the corporation is open to all factions, their base of operations is located in Amarr space. As one might expect, this causes the main capsuleers in the corporation to be Amarr. I could deal with Amarr if they had information about my ancestor, so I asked her if she knew anything. "Do you or any of your corp know anything about my ancestor, the one spoken of in legends? He saved humanity from a dystopian feature using only a cell phone and a microwave. His first name was Rintarou, just like mine. Do you know anything of him?" I had said. She just looked at me blankly, as if I was insane. Which in a way I suppose I was, wanting information about an ancestor that lived over eighteen thousand years ago. Just as the great heros Moroni, Beowulf, King Arthur, and Hercules were remembered, I had thought, so should my ancestor Rintarou be remembered. Unfortunately, it seems this was not the case.

I can't give up my search, though. Who knows what kind of brain-wiping technology the Amarr use to make sure secrets don't get out? Perhaps if that is the case, there could be rebels, Amarrians who would not submit to their precious God-Leader's commands of memory monitoring. Of course, this whole brain-wiping technology was still just a conspiracy to all, so I can't be sure of anything. The conspiracy stemmed from the occasional amnesia of the Amarr when asked a question and their constant happiness. Now, this 'amnesia' is actually a fairly common phenomenon that occurs here in New Eden. When your capsule is destroyed by accident or by pirates and you do not have an up-to-date clone, you will lose a number of memories depending on how outdated your clone was. The only thing that makes this in the Amarr peculiar is how often it happens. The side effects aren't exactly the same, and it seems to happen more often to the Amarr. This leads to another conspiracy of the Amarr: eugenics control. If an Amarrian capsuleer begins to stray from the path their God-Leader desires, their clones are supposedly downgraded (one can check the status of a clone from any location, but a downgrade in clones has never been documented, or if it has, the Captain's Log containing it was destroyed) a program built in to every Amarrian's capsule self-destructs via remote access by the Amarrian government. When the capsuleer wakes up in their new body, they forget their recent rebellious spree and are trained to follow the Amarrian government once again.

...Dammit. And now I'm back to where I started. If rebellious Amarrians are 'reset', then there's no chance I could get any useful information from them unless I was lucky enough to meet them while they were rebelling. I could try moving my search over to the Minmatar race, I suppose. Having been enslaved by the Amarr for an extended period of time they're sure to have picked up a few secrets, even if only a small amount. That, and the Gallente and Minmatar are generally quite friendly to each other, unlike the Amarr. Never mind, scratch that. The Amarr hate everyone; apparently the Amarr is the 'Chosen Race' according to them. They just happen to hate Minmatar more than most because the Minmatar escaped their tyrannous slavery.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Journal Entry No. 1


I am finally ready to begin my adventure into New Eden, after years of training and work. I began this journey with two goals in mind: fame and fortune being one, like all other capsuleers I've met. The second being in hopes of meeting another capsuleer, or even ship crew member, who has information about my ancestor. My ancestor, all the way back before New Eden was founded, back on Earth, had died quite the mysterious death. His body was never found, and there had been rumors that he had been cloned and revived later, here in New Eden.

My second goal in becoming a capsuleer is to find any and all information regarding my ancestor who saved humanity from a dystopian future through the use of a cell phone and a microwave. There are numerous rumors addressing my ancestor, but each and every one of them has their holes. One rumor even states that memories of him in other separate but parallel universes were too strong, causing his existence to entirely fade from this universe. If I find any entries or information about my ancestor, I will attempt to place it here, along with a date-stamp of when I think the event occurred.

I need to come in contact with other capsuleers who might know about my ancestor. Battling them will just piss them off and ruin any chance of me learning more. I will battle if the need arises, but I will avoid opening fire on others ships if at all possible. Besides, even if I were to engage in capsuleer warfare, I would likely not gain much profit; there is a high-risk high-reward involved in warfare. Losing could mean millions or tens of millions of Isk loss. Of course, this is a risk involved in most Isk-making schemes. Even in entrepreneurship, one can lose Isk by losing a ship during a courier contract, however this risk is especially high in warfare. And thus, I believe mining raw materials and manufacturing goods is the best plan of action. When people come to me wanting me to manufacture goods, I can try to find information about my ancestor by talking to them. I don't have to make complicated spreadsheets like an entrepreneur, and I don't have to  hunt down troublesome rogues with a bounty.

Either way, I have an advantage my ancestor did not have: I am immortal. Unfortunately, all the other capsuleers are immortal as well, so if someone has a grudge against me, then there is no stopping them until they get revenge. I just pray that revenge does not mean destruction of all information regarding my ancestor.