I walked in to the maid cafe Woof Woof Paradise. Despite it being full of many young and attractive females, even some lolis, the restaurant was generally not bustling with business. It made enough to survive and make some profit, but not much more. This was simply due to the fact that most capsuleers would rather have exotic dancers or prostitutes in their cargohold, and would not like to go to a cafe that was not also a brothel.
"Hello, and welcome to Woof Woof Paradise, Master! I am Asaji-wan, I will be your waitress for this evening!" Asaji bowed to me and showed me to a table. "I'll give you a moment to look at the menu desu-wan!" She said and left.
I was slightly disappointed I did not get my favorite maid this time, Isuzu-wan. However, as she was the most popular waitress, each customer did not get her very often.
I waited for a moment for my bud Captain Lockheed to show up. I'd hoped that he'd show up without a fight, but I was wrong. Apparently some things are never meant to be. I hear a distant crash, some yelling, and then of course one would assume a fight ensued.
A moment later, it stops, and Captain walks into Woof Woof Paradise proudly with new bruises on him. He sits down and picks up the menu. I sternly ask him, "Did you get into another fight?"
He nonchalantly replies without putting down his menu, "What's it to you? They were wealthy businessmen trying to scam newbies!"
"Dammit, Captain, you can't keep getting into fights like this! You're inside a station, if you die here, you die permanently!"
"Hey, my entire memories and personalities 6.28 TB or so I believe, have already been archived on my pod. Even if I were to die, they could just revive me."
"That only happens when you die inside the pod! You can actually die outside of it!"
"Well what the hell am I supposed to do, just let them scam those innocent newcomers?"
I shook my head. "Ugh, just look, Captain. If you die, it's game over. There's no coming back. Sometimes you just have to grit your teeth and move on."
Captain began to say something, but was interrupted by Asaji trotting up to our table. "May I take your order-wan?" She asked.
I closed my menu and handed it to her. "Yes, I'll just have a cup of coffee."
Captain leaned back in his chair, supporting his head with his hands. "I'll have a Triple Deluxe Spicy Jalapeno Whopper along with some Cola-Coke." Asaji nodded, wrote the order down on her notepad, and left.
"Anyways, what'd you call me here for, anyways?"
"Well, I'd like to switch careers. I'd like to become a missioner." I decided to abstain the fact as to why I was doing so.
"Alright, sounds great. Just get your skills up a bit and I'll take you along on some missions; I'd suggest Sisters of Eve, as their Loyalty Point store is pretty great along with the missions themselves and location."
Isuzu-wan trotted up to our table and handed Captain his meal. "Here is your Howler Deluxe-wan!" She then turned to me and puffed up her cheeks. "Takashiiii!! What happened to your promise to visit at least once a week-wan?"
"A-ah, I was stuck in wormhole space trying to sell an unoccupied wormhole."
"Well, did it sell-wan?"
"Ah... well... I ditched it. It was taking too long to sell. I left it to visit you."
"No way... You mean you didn't learn the secret art of the Takmahl cyber kick?"
I could barely keep up with Isuzu-wan's fantasies. "What happened to the other maid, Asaji-wan?"
"What, you mean you don't like me-wan?" Isuzu-wan began to cry.
"N-no, I didn't mean it like that!"
"Haha, got ya!" Isuzu-wan stopped crying and laughed. "I just mastered this technique! I call it the 'Yurt' Mobile Tear Generator-wan, capable of making even the bravest man's willpower fall in an instant-wan! Anyways, here is your coffee-wan. I better go before that Doberman yells at me for slacking off-desu!" She scuttled off elsewhere.
Captain frowned. "Do you and... Isuzu have a thing going or something?"
I laughed. "Nah, she fantasizes like that to all her customers. That's why she's everyone's favorite maid. I'm a regular enough that she will try to say hi even if she isn't my waitress for the evening."
"Ah. Anyways, if you're that stuck on disobeying the empires, I suggest you do missions for Sisters of Eve here in highsec. Then once you have decent skills, you can move down to Null Sec and do missions for the Sisters, among other pirate factions."
"Right on. Thanks again, Captain."
Captain finished chewing a bite of his Howler burger, and said with a slightly full mouth, "Anytime, bro. I figure you won't get into a ship capable of Level 4's for a while, but when you do, or even a good Level 3 ship, then maybe we could fleet up sometime and do some missions together, eh?"
I grinned. "Sounds like a plan."
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Friday, October 10, 2014
Journal Entry No. 9
Wow, it's been too long since I've written here in my Captain's Log.
Nearly a month has passed since that fateful day. The day I failed to rescue Miss Makise. Less than a month has passed, and yet I've lamented her death for an eternity. Maybe several eternities.
Why? Why didn't CONCORD intervene? Aren't they supposed to be the police of the star cluster? The police of New Eden? It's not as if this took place in NullSec, or even LowSec. This took place in High-Security space. It even happened next to a planetary Customs Office, no less. There's no way CONCORD could have not known about what happened.
What if CONCORD played a role in this...? What then? Even the ones I thought I could trust with absolute certainty can't be trusted.
They're Jovian in origin, someone once told me. It wasn't until just now that it struck me. Jovian origin...?
...Oh, damn. It's worse than I thought. CONCORD has infested every single High-Security system there is. Every square inch of Empire space is inhabited by CONCORD. They must be waiting for the perfect moment to strike, I thought. The perfect moment... to strike? Why not now? Their technology is way more advanced than our own. Even their semi-diplomatic cargo scanners can see through the supposedly cargo-scan impenetrable capsuleer ships.
...They must be waiting for something to happen. But what? And why? Why is it so important?
I felt that familiar buzz; it was wearing off. I popped some more tabs into my mouth. I wouldn't be sane if it weren't for these things holding me back. I'd reasoned with myself.
A thought popped into my head. What if... What if it wasn't that the Makise had been killed, but that I was too late, and the transfer had already taken place? If CONCORD was involved, it was entirely possible that they could have modified the kill report to appear such that there was an "exotic dancer" destroyed and killed in the wreck, when in reality she wasn't on there at all at the time of the kill report?
Oh well, I thought. I yawned, and when I woke up, I felt refreshed and content with life as it was.
Nearly a month has passed since that fateful day. The day I failed to rescue Miss Makise. Less than a month has passed, and yet I've lamented her death for an eternity. Maybe several eternities.
Why? Why didn't CONCORD intervene? Aren't they supposed to be the police of the star cluster? The police of New Eden? It's not as if this took place in NullSec, or even LowSec. This took place in High-Security space. It even happened next to a planetary Customs Office, no less. There's no way CONCORD could have not known about what happened.
What if CONCORD played a role in this...? What then? Even the ones I thought I could trust with absolute certainty can't be trusted.
They're Jovian in origin, someone once told me. It wasn't until just now that it struck me. Jovian origin...?
...Oh, damn. It's worse than I thought. CONCORD has infested every single High-Security system there is. Every square inch of Empire space is inhabited by CONCORD. They must be waiting for the perfect moment to strike, I thought. The perfect moment... to strike? Why not now? Their technology is way more advanced than our own. Even their semi-diplomatic cargo scanners can see through the supposedly cargo-scan impenetrable capsuleer ships.
...They must be waiting for something to happen. But what? And why? Why is it so important?
I felt that familiar buzz; it was wearing off. I popped some more tabs into my mouth. I wouldn't be sane if it weren't for these things holding me back. I'd reasoned with myself.
A thought popped into my head. What if... What if it wasn't that the Makise had been killed, but that I was too late, and the transfer had already taken place? If CONCORD was involved, it was entirely possible that they could have modified the kill report to appear such that there was an "exotic dancer" destroyed and killed in the wreck, when in reality she wasn't on there at all at the time of the kill report?
Oh well, I thought. I yawned, and when I woke up, I felt refreshed and content with life as it was.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Journal Entry No. 8
The CEO of our allianced corporation, Marshal, is looking for a new wormhole for us to establish a more permanent residence in than our current C1. To put it frank, our current wormhole contains nothing but absolute garbage. A lot of ore sites, and nothing else. Not even a static C2 or C3 wormhole.
The restraints of the wormhole was that it must:
-Be a Class 2 wormhole
-Have a static highsec wormhole (although strongly dispreferred, even a lowsec static wormhole would suffice)
-Have a static C3 wormhole
-The less POS's, the better.
Given these restraints I thought it might be a good idea to help in this task myself, by scanning down wormholes and investigating them. I could make a decent profit, too, by doing data and relic sites whenever I found one.
Sadly, I never found any data or relic sites. Still, I found a fair amount of wormholes. 5 wormholes, to be exact. I found one C1, two C2's, and two C3's. I found a really good C2, J171309, unsettled with a highsec static. However, it had a C1 static instead of a C3.
While I was in one of these wormholes, J171309 to be specific, I was was cloaked, scanning down a new wormhole to check out.
That was... my first mistake. If you're looking for a wormhole with a static highsec entrance, you should be looking in high security space, not wormhole space.
That said, here I was, scanning while cloaked in my Imicus. I hadn't even bothered to set up a safe spot for myself, which was my second mistake. I figured, since I won't be making a permanent or even semi-permanent residence here, I shouldn't have to bother making a safe spot.
I was wrong. When I was about 60km from the wormhole, a Tech 3 Strategic Cruiser Tengu jumped in and began orbiting the wormhole. A minute or two later, another Strategic Cruiser, a Proteus, jumped in as well and began orbiting. I was too busy panicking to realize that this should have been the time to scan and pinpoint the next wormhole. This should have been the time to warp away to a Customs Office, a moon, a planet, or any other warpable non-cosmic sign object.
And yet... I didn't. My third mistake, and possibly my most fatal. Another couple of minutes, my heart beat is pumping like none else, and a Tech 2 Interdictor, an Erin, jumps in and begins orbiting the hole with a high orbit distance. I had plenty of time to scan down the wormhole, but I didn't. I knew my only chance with this was if I lay outside of the range of the Interdictor, but less than 150km from all of the ships. I finished scanning down the C1 wormhole, and aligned to it at 125km from the camped hole. I wait for the Interdictor to cross the 150km mark in its orbit, so it can't warp to me. The Proteus jumps out for whatever reason, and I began to relax, thinking that they were bored and called off the camp. However, soon after it jumped back in. Once the Interdictor is at 120km, I use my chance to decloak and spam warp to the C1 wormhole.
I did indeed get away, without them even targeting me. However, once I exited warp, I saw that there was yet another camped wormhole. The warp disruption bubble was set in place, so I knew I didn't have any chance to warp back out. I spammed jump through hole, and once through, spammed warp to planet on the first planet I could click on. I'm sure my crewmates weren't happy about this, as every time I hit warp an automated request is reported through the entire ship: "Request to warp to [X celestial object]." Nonetheless, I spammed warp, because it put them in a rush, which was needed, and it gave me (and them) a chance of surviving. Once we got to the planet, I warped to another planet, in case they saw me warping to the one planet. Once at the new planet, I get 2000m away from the Customs Office and cloak up. They're obviously still searching for me, as just about 30 seconds after I cloak up, a Flycatcher Interdictor, the ship camping at the 2nd gate camp, warps in for about a minute or two, then warps off. Thank goodness I was cloaked up. This cloak cost me 4million ISK, but it more than paid itself off in how it didn't get caught by the Flycatcher.
I begin waiting out the 15-minute PvP timer. About 3-4 minutes left, and an Erin comes to the Customs Office I'm at and starts searching, but finds nothing and warps off.
Once the PvP timer expires, I make sure noone is in the area, decloak and log off safely.
Later, I log back on, put some core probes out, and cloak up. I begin scanning, still cloaked. I scan down the highsec static wormhole without any hitches, all the while noticing that it is more than 14.3 AU away, the maximum range of the D-scan. I began attempting to drain the capacitor out of my ship to do a partial warp, but I mis-clicked and began warping at 10km. Despite my attempts to cancel the warp, it goes through. I grit my teeth and prepare for a camp.
Sure enough, it was camped, bubble, Interdictor, and everything. I suspect he just put the bubble up, since my core scanner probes were literally all around him on D-scan. I turn on my MWD and try to burn back to wormhole. He targets me, I lose a large portion of my shield, but I still enter through the wormhole in time. My heart jumped for a moment as I thought it wasn't a wormhole to highsec, but a C3 wormhole, but then I realized it was just me freaking out. I'd made it back to Known space, encountering a gate camp at every single wormhole I passed in that trip. Since I'd bought a new ship and fitted it a cheap-fit specifically for this scanning mission, I didn't know the crew members' names, and as a result didn't say anything to console them. They were probably traumatized at this point. Not that I cared. They were just replacable objects. Things that make sure the ship is working properly, and nothing more.
The CEO of our allianced corporation, Marshal, is looking for a new wormhole for us to establish a more permanent residence in than our current C1. To put it frank, our current wormhole contains nothing but absolute garbage. A lot of ore sites, and nothing else. Not even a static C2 or C3 wormhole.
The restraints of the wormhole was that it must:
-Be a Class 2 wormhole
-Have a static highsec wormhole (although strongly dispreferred, even a lowsec static wormhole would suffice)
-Have a static C3 wormhole
-The less POS's, the better.
Given these restraints I thought it might be a good idea to help in this task myself, by scanning down wormholes and investigating them. I could make a decent profit, too, by doing data and relic sites whenever I found one.
Sadly, I never found any data or relic sites. Still, I found a fair amount of wormholes. 5 wormholes, to be exact. I found one C1, two C2's, and two C3's. I found a really good C2, J171309, unsettled with a highsec static. However, it had a C1 static instead of a C3.
While I was in one of these wormholes, J171309 to be specific, I was was cloaked, scanning down a new wormhole to check out.
That was... my first mistake. If you're looking for a wormhole with a static highsec entrance, you should be looking in high security space, not wormhole space.
That said, here I was, scanning while cloaked in my Imicus. I hadn't even bothered to set up a safe spot for myself, which was my second mistake. I figured, since I won't be making a permanent or even semi-permanent residence here, I shouldn't have to bother making a safe spot.
I was wrong. When I was about 60km from the wormhole, a Tech 3 Strategic Cruiser Tengu jumped in and began orbiting the wormhole. A minute or two later, another Strategic Cruiser, a Proteus, jumped in as well and began orbiting. I was too busy panicking to realize that this should have been the time to scan and pinpoint the next wormhole. This should have been the time to warp away to a Customs Office, a moon, a planet, or any other warpable non-cosmic sign object.
And yet... I didn't. My third mistake, and possibly my most fatal. Another couple of minutes, my heart beat is pumping like none else, and a Tech 2 Interdictor, an Erin, jumps in and begins orbiting the hole with a high orbit distance. I had plenty of time to scan down the wormhole, but I didn't. I knew my only chance with this was if I lay outside of the range of the Interdictor, but less than 150km from all of the ships. I finished scanning down the C1 wormhole, and aligned to it at 125km from the camped hole. I wait for the Interdictor to cross the 150km mark in its orbit, so it can't warp to me. The Proteus jumps out for whatever reason, and I began to relax, thinking that they were bored and called off the camp. However, soon after it jumped back in. Once the Interdictor is at 120km, I use my chance to decloak and spam warp to the C1 wormhole.
I did indeed get away, without them even targeting me. However, once I exited warp, I saw that there was yet another camped wormhole. The warp disruption bubble was set in place, so I knew I didn't have any chance to warp back out. I spammed jump through hole, and once through, spammed warp to planet on the first planet I could click on. I'm sure my crewmates weren't happy about this, as every time I hit warp an automated request is reported through the entire ship: "Request to warp to [X celestial object]." Nonetheless, I spammed warp, because it put them in a rush, which was needed, and it gave me (and them) a chance of surviving. Once we got to the planet, I warped to another planet, in case they saw me warping to the one planet. Once at the new planet, I get 2000m away from the Customs Office and cloak up. They're obviously still searching for me, as just about 30 seconds after I cloak up, a Flycatcher Interdictor, the ship camping at the 2nd gate camp, warps in for about a minute or two, then warps off. Thank goodness I was cloaked up. This cloak cost me 4million ISK, but it more than paid itself off in how it didn't get caught by the Flycatcher.
I begin waiting out the 15-minute PvP timer. About 3-4 minutes left, and an Erin comes to the Customs Office I'm at and starts searching, but finds nothing and warps off.
Once the PvP timer expires, I make sure noone is in the area, decloak and log off safely.
Later, I log back on, put some core probes out, and cloak up. I begin scanning, still cloaked. I scan down the highsec static wormhole without any hitches, all the while noticing that it is more than 14.3 AU away, the maximum range of the D-scan. I began attempting to drain the capacitor out of my ship to do a partial warp, but I mis-clicked and began warping at 10km. Despite my attempts to cancel the warp, it goes through. I grit my teeth and prepare for a camp.
Sure enough, it was camped, bubble, Interdictor, and everything. I suspect he just put the bubble up, since my core scanner probes were literally all around him on D-scan. I turn on my MWD and try to burn back to wormhole. He targets me, I lose a large portion of my shield, but I still enter through the wormhole in time. My heart jumped for a moment as I thought it wasn't a wormhole to highsec, but a C3 wormhole, but then I realized it was just me freaking out. I'd made it back to Known space, encountering a gate camp at every single wormhole I passed in that trip. Since I'd bought a new ship and fitted it a cheap-fit specifically for this scanning mission, I didn't know the crew members' names, and as a result didn't say anything to console them. They were probably traumatized at this point. Not that I cared. They were just replacable objects. Things that make sure the ship is working properly, and nothing more.
Monday, September 8, 2014
Journal Entry No. 7
I curled my fingers into a fist. We were finally going to catch this bastard who accepted the courier.
"Deploy the probes in a spread formation, scan radius 16 AU." I said, the capsule recording my voice and relaying to the rest of the ship, where my crew was.
After a short while, Yuko, responded. "Alright, signal is locked. His scan signature is BMW-44. We have 0.3% signature strength on him."
"Alright, bring it down to 8 AU and move the probes to pinpointing position, and surround the whole scan area with it."
After repeating this procedure a few times, Thomas yelled, "Sir! We have locked on to his location with 100% scan strength!"
"Good. Everyone eject from your ship and move over to the Algos. Quickly, now, we only have about two minutes left!" I set a bookmark as to its location.
After the crew had gotten aboard, I boarded the Algos. Quickly I set the Algos into warp drive, warping to zero.
Sure enough, the bastard was there, waiting at a Customs Office. I guess the transport was originally supposed to go down onto a Planetary Colony, where the person who ordered her was going to pick her up. It was a criminal underworld, I guess you gotta cover your tracks and make sure you're untraceable. I just hoped the transfer hadn't taken place just yet.
"Alright everyone! This isn't an NPC drill, this is the real thing so don't panic and don't get your panties in a bunch! Lock and orbit her at 5km, NOW!!" I yelled.
A young crewman jumped and then nodded, typing in the coordinates into the computer and beginning to lock. "Locked and orbiting, sir!"
"Turn on EVERYTHING! Turn on the guns! Turn on the energy neutralizer! Warp scram it! Turn on AB! DCU!"
Crew members everywhere were panicking as they rapidly typed various commands into the computer.
Our shield had gotten down to 50%. I yelled, "Turn on the Shield Ancillary Booster, NOW!"
Nothing happened.
"Why is it not on?!"
Thomas cringed. "Sir, I'm so sorry."
"Spit it out!"
"It's not loaded."
"Shit. Well load it now then!"
"Alright, but it'll take a full minute." Thomas began loading the cap boosters into the module.
As the bullets began penetrating armor with 10% shield remaining, I dreadfully realized I'd forgotten to send out my main source of damage, my drones. "Send in the drones!" I had 7 in my hold: 2 Hammerheads and 5 Hobgoblins, but only 5 could be launched.
"Which ones, sir?"
"I don't care! Just launch them!"
The drones launched and started targeting the ship. Quickly armor and hull fell, unable to repair itself with my energy neutralizer on it.
"Drop the exotic dancer, or I will end your ship and I will end you." I transmitted to them.
"Alright, give us a second."
I heard something garbled about reinforcements.
I sent a single drone to bring them down to 10% hull structure.
"Alright, alright, we're droppin' her!" A jetcan came out immediately, and I scooped it up.
A fire began to burn within my eyes, and I fired on the ship anyways. The ship was blasted to pieces, and I began targeting the capsule. It warped away too soon, however.
Damn, I... I paused. What am I doing?
It was too late though, the damage had already been done. I clothed the naked former and forced exotic dancer, Kasurin Makise, and shut myself into my office once I docked up.
I curled my fingers into a fist. We were finally going to catch this bastard who accepted the courier.
"Deploy the probes in a spread formation, scan radius 16 AU." I said, the capsule recording my voice and relaying to the rest of the ship, where my crew was.
After a short while, Yuko, responded. "Alright, signal is locked. His scan signature is BMW-44. We have 0.3% signature strength on him."
"Alright, bring it down to 8 AU and move the probes to pinpointing position, and surround the whole scan area with it."
After repeating this procedure a few times, Thomas yelled, "Sir! We have locked on to his location with 100% scan strength!"
"Good. Everyone eject from your ship and move over to the Algos. Quickly, now, we only have about two minutes left!" I set a bookmark as to its location.
After the crew had gotten aboard, I boarded the Algos. Quickly I set the Algos into warp drive, warping to zero.
Sure enough, the bastard was there, waiting at a Customs Office. I guess the transport was originally supposed to go down onto a Planetary Colony, where the person who ordered her was going to pick her up. It was a criminal underworld, I guess you gotta cover your tracks and make sure you're untraceable. I just hoped the transfer hadn't taken place just yet.
"Alright everyone! This isn't an NPC drill, this is the real thing so don't panic and don't get your panties in a bunch! Lock and orbit her at 5km, NOW!!" I yelled.
A young crewman jumped and then nodded, typing in the coordinates into the computer and beginning to lock. "Locked and orbiting, sir!"
"Turn on EVERYTHING! Turn on the guns! Turn on the energy neutralizer! Warp scram it! Turn on AB! DCU!"
Crew members everywhere were panicking as they rapidly typed various commands into the computer.
Our shield had gotten down to 50%. I yelled, "Turn on the Shield Ancillary Booster, NOW!"
Nothing happened.
"Why is it not on?!"
Thomas cringed. "Sir, I'm so sorry."
"Spit it out!"
"It's not loaded."
"Shit. Well load it now then!"
"Alright, but it'll take a full minute." Thomas began loading the cap boosters into the module.
As the bullets began penetrating armor with 10% shield remaining, I dreadfully realized I'd forgotten to send out my main source of damage, my drones. "Send in the drones!" I had 7 in my hold: 2 Hammerheads and 5 Hobgoblins, but only 5 could be launched.
"Which ones, sir?"
"I don't care! Just launch them!"
The drones launched and started targeting the ship. Quickly armor and hull fell, unable to repair itself with my energy neutralizer on it.
"Drop the exotic dancer, or I will end your ship and I will end you." I transmitted to them.
"Alright, give us a second."
I heard something garbled about reinforcements.
I sent a single drone to bring them down to 10% hull structure.
"Alright, alright, we're droppin' her!" A jetcan came out immediately, and I scooped it up.
A fire began to burn within my eyes, and I fired on the ship anyways. The ship was blasted to pieces, and I began targeting the capsule. It warped away too soon, however.
Damn, I... I paused. What am I doing?
It was too late though, the damage had already been done. I clothed the naked former and forced exotic dancer, Kasurin Makise, and shut myself into my office once I docked up.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Journal Entry No. 6
Once again the CEO of my corporation has gone inactive. What causes these disappearances? Did they find something out? Perhaps they know too much now.
...That's the only reason I can think of. It's always happened within a short time of me joining. Other members have been in the corporation much longer than me, but it's always after I join that the CEO vanishes. Do they know something of my ancestor? Perhaps they do, and are too afraid to say it. Or perhaps, more likely, they tried to tell me, and those self-righteous Amarrian bastards neutralized the CEOs with blackmail. Or worse, permanent death. No, that's too unlikely. After Khirean vanished, I attempted to contact him through an e-mail. He responded, but it was brief and vague, as if he couldn't say more out of fear.
"Sir?" A crew member asked, knocking on my door. Normally I'm in a pod to prevent death by suicide gankers, but right now I'm in my cabin since I'm docked in a station.
"Come in," I replied. I looked to see who it was, and then swiveled back in my chair, continuing to write here in my Captain's Log.
"Sir, we've discovered where we can find one of the Makise family, that Miss Astaroth told us about!" He said.
"Gh!" I swiveled back with a quick jolt. "What?! Where!"
Thomas hesitated for a moment. "You aren't going to like this..."
"Spit it out!" A rolled closer to him on my chair, I knew I looked desperate. This was more luck than I'd had for months.
"Well... they suspect her. They think she knows too much. They don't know for sure, but they aren't taking chances. They're selling her into slavery."
"Slavery?!" I curled my fingers into a fist, and clenched. "God damn it, those little bastards."
"Not just any slavery, they're selling her to the Caldari underworld."
Realization spread across my face. "You don't mean---"
Thomas nodded. "Yes, that's right. She's being sold into sex slavery at night, and as a lab worker by day. Specifically into Zainou Biotech, even worse."
"Why is that bad? I mean, of course it's bad, but why is it worse that she's being sold into Zainou?"
"Well, Zainou's policy on slaves, you know how good they are with neural implants regarding industry. You have two of them yourself. Anyways, Zainou's policy on slaves is that they get neural implants that cause them to forget anything unrelated to their job and to work more efficiently at their job, causing her to forget about the knowledge she had before being sold there. It even alters their personality, so that they feel passionate love for the person they are being sold to, or hate people they used to love."
That's got to break some sort of law or another. That's treating them like animals to be sold, rather than sentient beings. Though with the Caldari, you never know. Ugh, the Caldari are so despicable. I jolted back out of my trance and began. "In other words, you're saying that---"
"---the only chance we have at retrieving her with any useful knowledge is by intercepting the freight that takes her there before she's delivered."
"Hmm..." I thought. "We'll have to wait at Zainou Biotech, constantly on edge, until this person shows up. I hate to spend valuable time that could be used making ISK, but it seems there's no other choice."
Thomas grinned slyly as walked over to my desk and slid a paper onto it. I looked at it, and my jaw gaped in amazement. This was a copy of the courier contract hauling the Makise!
"Where'd you get this?" I looked over it and mentally chided myself as I realized how he was able to tell me so much; the entire ordeal was outlined in this contract.
Thomas grinned more, relishing in my amazement. "I have friends in high places."
Now was my turn to grin. "Well then, let's get this show on the road then, shall we?"
Talk of my new corporation will have to wait. This is urgent, and I'd like to see if the new corporation functions as it should before praising it or chiding it.
Once again the CEO of my corporation has gone inactive. What causes these disappearances? Did they find something out? Perhaps they know too much now.
...That's the only reason I can think of. It's always happened within a short time of me joining. Other members have been in the corporation much longer than me, but it's always after I join that the CEO vanishes. Do they know something of my ancestor? Perhaps they do, and are too afraid to say it. Or perhaps, more likely, they tried to tell me, and those self-righteous Amarrian bastards neutralized the CEOs with blackmail. Or worse, permanent death. No, that's too unlikely. After Khirean vanished, I attempted to contact him through an e-mail. He responded, but it was brief and vague, as if he couldn't say more out of fear.
"Sir?" A crew member asked, knocking on my door. Normally I'm in a pod to prevent death by suicide gankers, but right now I'm in my cabin since I'm docked in a station.
"Come in," I replied. I looked to see who it was, and then swiveled back in my chair, continuing to write here in my Captain's Log.
"Sir, we've discovered where we can find one of the Makise family, that Miss Astaroth told us about!" He said.
"Gh!" I swiveled back with a quick jolt. "What?! Where!"
Thomas hesitated for a moment. "You aren't going to like this..."
"Spit it out!" A rolled closer to him on my chair, I knew I looked desperate. This was more luck than I'd had for months.
"Well... they suspect her. They think she knows too much. They don't know for sure, but they aren't taking chances. They're selling her into slavery."
"Slavery?!" I curled my fingers into a fist, and clenched. "God damn it, those little bastards."
"Not just any slavery, they're selling her to the Caldari underworld."
Realization spread across my face. "You don't mean---"
Thomas nodded. "Yes, that's right. She's being sold into sex slavery at night, and as a lab worker by day. Specifically into Zainou Biotech, even worse."
"Why is that bad? I mean, of course it's bad, but why is it worse that she's being sold into Zainou?"
"Well, Zainou's policy on slaves, you know how good they are with neural implants regarding industry. You have two of them yourself. Anyways, Zainou's policy on slaves is that they get neural implants that cause them to forget anything unrelated to their job and to work more efficiently at their job, causing her to forget about the knowledge she had before being sold there. It even alters their personality, so that they feel passionate love for the person they are being sold to, or hate people they used to love."
That's got to break some sort of law or another. That's treating them like animals to be sold, rather than sentient beings. Though with the Caldari, you never know. Ugh, the Caldari are so despicable. I jolted back out of my trance and began. "In other words, you're saying that---"
"---the only chance we have at retrieving her with any useful knowledge is by intercepting the freight that takes her there before she's delivered."
"Hmm..." I thought. "We'll have to wait at Zainou Biotech, constantly on edge, until this person shows up. I hate to spend valuable time that could be used making ISK, but it seems there's no other choice."
Thomas grinned slyly as walked over to my desk and slid a paper onto it. I looked at it, and my jaw gaped in amazement. This was a copy of the courier contract hauling the Makise!
"Where'd you get this?" I looked over it and mentally chided myself as I realized how he was able to tell me so much; the entire ordeal was outlined in this contract.
Thomas grinned more, relishing in my amazement. "I have friends in high places."
Now was my turn to grin. "Well then, let's get this show on the road then, shall we?"
Talk of my new corporation will have to wait. This is urgent, and I'd like to see if the new corporation functions as it should before praising it or chiding it.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Journal Entry No. 5
El. Psy. Congroo.
I left my old corporation, Whitestar Agency, due to the directors suddenly disappearing as well as the foreclosure of the PvP division, the Whitestar Federation. Additionally, we were wardecced, so I lost over 100 million ISK from that unfair war. Since then I have joined Affirmative Action Industries, a mining and industry corporation with a wealthy CEO.
When I joined the corporation, we were a small and humble group, consisting of just a few members with our headquarters located in Jita. This location was just as a temporary means; we had every intention to move our HQ to a new system as soon as possible. I compiled a few systems and crunched a few numbers, and I found a suitable system for us to move to: Wuos. It was a small system, fairly isolated, only 8 jumps from Jita, had a few ice fields to mine for fuel for our upcoming POS. Finding this location and surveying the location got me promoted to Auditor, Diplomat, and Communications Officer of my corporation.
I had been hoping that our corporation would not get wardecced, but it was an unrealistic hope. A few days ago, on August 7th, YC114, Scandinavian Dirtbags declared war on our humble corporation. This was to be expected, of course. This time, however, my CEO had communications in high places, as well as a large sum of ISK to hire mercenaries if needed. The war began 24 hours after the declaration, on August 8th.
The war has gone on for about 3 days now. During that time, only one ship has been lost: Khirean's Retriever. The war costs them 50 million every week, so one would think that they would hunt us down and try to cause as much carnage as possible. Granted, we have been more careful with which systems we jump to and whatnot, but that shouldn't exclude us from almost all losses whatsoever. We're a corporation full of primarily newbies, someone's bound to jump to the wrong place and stumble upon a gate camp.
Upon doing some research, I discovered that the leader of the Scandinavian Dirtbags alliance, Azicus Masrama, was in the Cha0s Legion corporation from 2013.04.25 01:07 to 2013.06.15 00:46. Alone, this information is useless. However, upon further research I discovered something suspicious. The CEO of my corporation, Khirean Khiriani, was in the same corporation, Cha0s Legion, from 2013.04.29 23:07 to 2013.06.19 00:56. In other words, Khirean Khiriani, my CEO, and Azicus Masrama, the CEO of Scandinavian Dirtbags alliance, were in the same corporation during the same time frame: 2013.04.29 23:07 to 2013.06.15 00:46, a month and a half. This is plenty enough time for them to get to know each other. If this was the case, then Scandinavian Dirtbags should have stayed away from injuring the corporation of an old friend. But did they? No... perhaps it was something more... could it be for revenge?
Such a possibility is quite likely, a month and a half is easily enough time to spawn feelings of hatred for each other. But is that the case? Am I to believe such a simplistic story? No, what I sense is a conspiracy. What it entails, I do not yet know. I must do more research on this topic. Even if that means drawing unwanted aggression by talking to the enemy alliance's CEO, I must know more. Did something happen in their past? Some sort of espionage? Perhaps an assasination contract? ...I can't come to conclusions with such a small basis. Perhaps I'll throw myself in front of the enemy, see if they attack me, or if they spare me. If I did such, I'd have to be piloting a fairly useless non-PvP ship; using a specialized PvP ship could make them draw aggression in defense. On the other hand, using a non-PvP ship might cause them to take an easy kill. Whatever I do, I will write down in my Captain's Log here.
On an unrelated note, I have noticed that a quite experienced member of my corporation, Lara Khiriani, and my CEO, Khirean Khiriani, have the same last name. Often this is a trait shared with character's alts, which is no big deal, except that Lara and Khirean are two different people. Or so they claim. I know that Khirean invited Lara to Eve Online, which suggests that they know each other outside of Eve. Is that really a reason to have the same last name though? Perhaps it is just an alias used to act as an undercover boss. One would think they would try to hide their tracks more, though, if they were trying to be undercover. I do not know, and it is likely not that important. For now, I will leave this conspiracy closed, unless I find information proving otherwise, right or wrong.
El. Psy. Congroo.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Journal Entry No. 4
"Dammit! Why aren't they working? I don't care how weak those F-ing Armor Repair units are, just get us the HECK OUT OF HERE!" I yelled to the crew.
"Yes, Captain!" A crew member yelled and then muttered something about his pay.
A loud crashing sound. And another. The noise became so loud and so constant, it almost seemed to become ambient.
"Captain, they've breached hull!"
"Frag! How much time we got?"
"30 seconds, maybe less."
"Shit." If we keep on a straight trajectory for the Acceleration Gate, we'll probably be destroyed. But is it worth it to warp somewhere else? I don't know if we'll have time to align and get to warping speed before we're destroyed.
"Captain, the hull's about to break!!"
"HOLD YOUR GROUND!" I yelled, my heart pumping a thousand times a second.
The crew all looked at me in alarm. I'd almost forgotten that the crew are not immortal.
"We don't have enough time to align and warp to another anomaly. Plus, if we run away this time, this mission isn't going to finish itself. We'll have to try again, and there'll be more pirates who've warped in to battle. We're going to that Acceleration Gate at all costs!"
The crew nodded and scrambled, making sure all the modules were all running perfectly.
I was going to extremely pissed off if I lost this ship. The Myrmedon ship cost me 80 million ISK, and I'd bought it today.
"Captain, we've reached the Acceleration Gate!"
"Well what are you freaking waiting for? Activate it!"
"Yes, Captain." He responded and started typing the warp coordinates into the onboard computer.
We aligned to the same direction as the Acceleration Gate, and a moment later we warped in.
I slid back in my seat. That put way too much stress on me. If capsuleers weren't immortal, that surely would have shaved a year off of my lifespan.

We finished warping a moment later, and no sooner did we receive a transmission.
"Crap! Our hideout's been discovered! Don't let them get away!"
No... We don't have enough strength to last another battle. Maybe 20 seconds, if we were lucky. "Warp away! WARP AWAY!!" I thanked my Creator that non-capsuleers don't warp-scram us capsuleers.
"Where do you want to warp to?"
I waved my arm in a sense of command. "I don't care. You could warp to the middle of nowhere, for all I care!"
He nodded and started typing in coordinates into the system. Just as we aligned, the pirates began to lock onto us. Thankfully, we were mostly up to warping speed, so we just escaped without them doing much damage to us.
"Phew... That was... stressful, to say the least. I really ought to get some exotic dancers in this ship for stressful moments like this." I chuckled for a moment. "That's the last of missioning I'm doing for a while. I almost had a heart attack, and I'd rather not repeat that experience."
"Dammit! Why aren't they working? I don't care how weak those F-ing Armor Repair units are, just get us the HECK OUT OF HERE!" I yelled to the crew.
"Yes, Captain!" A crew member yelled and then muttered something about his pay.
A loud crashing sound. And another. The noise became so loud and so constant, it almost seemed to become ambient.
"Captain, they've breached hull!"
"Frag! How much time we got?"
"30 seconds, maybe less."
"Shit." If we keep on a straight trajectory for the Acceleration Gate, we'll probably be destroyed. But is it worth it to warp somewhere else? I don't know if we'll have time to align and get to warping speed before we're destroyed.
"Captain, the hull's about to break!!"
"HOLD YOUR GROUND!" I yelled, my heart pumping a thousand times a second.
The crew all looked at me in alarm. I'd almost forgotten that the crew are not immortal.
"We don't have enough time to align and warp to another anomaly. Plus, if we run away this time, this mission isn't going to finish itself. We'll have to try again, and there'll be more pirates who've warped in to battle. We're going to that Acceleration Gate at all costs!"
The crew nodded and scrambled, making sure all the modules were all running perfectly.
I was going to extremely pissed off if I lost this ship. The Myrmedon ship cost me 80 million ISK, and I'd bought it today.
"Captain, we've reached the Acceleration Gate!"
"Well what are you freaking waiting for? Activate it!"
"Yes, Captain." He responded and started typing the warp coordinates into the onboard computer.
We aligned to the same direction as the Acceleration Gate, and a moment later we warped in.
I slid back in my seat. That put way too much stress on me. If capsuleers weren't immortal, that surely would have shaved a year off of my lifespan.
We finished warping a moment later, and no sooner did we receive a transmission.
"Crap! Our hideout's been discovered! Don't let them get away!"
No... We don't have enough strength to last another battle. Maybe 20 seconds, if we were lucky. "Warp away! WARP AWAY!!" I thanked my Creator that non-capsuleers don't warp-scram us capsuleers.
"Where do you want to warp to?"
I waved my arm in a sense of command. "I don't care. You could warp to the middle of nowhere, for all I care!"
He nodded and started typing in coordinates into the system. Just as we aligned, the pirates began to lock onto us. Thankfully, we were mostly up to warping speed, so we just escaped without them doing much damage to us.
"Phew... That was... stressful, to say the least. I really ought to get some exotic dancers in this ship for stressful moments like this." I chuckled for a moment. "That's the last of missioning I'm doing for a while. I almost had a heart attack, and I'd rather not repeat that experience."
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Journal Entry No. 3
About a week ago, I decided to join a new corporation, a budding corporation that is focusing on both Mining and Missioning, the two things I prefer to do the most. Due to the old office being in the Amarr quarter of space, we do have a few Amarrians in the corporation, but they don't seem to be a threat to us; they aren't trying to preach to us or anything like that. Once I joined, however, the office had already been moved to Minmatar space. We mined and missioned for a while in peace, but then a few days after I joined a small but powerful corporation declared war on us, and I have yet to know why. We have not insulted or confronted them in any way, I don't believe we had ever even been in contact with them? So why... why did they go for our corporation rather than any other? Is it perhaps because there are secrets that they feel that they must keep me or any other capsuleers of my corporation from finding out? Perhaps it has to do with how soon after I joined that they declared war on us. Do they want to keep me from finding out the truth about my ancestor?
Speaking of my ancestor. A day or two ago, I met a new capsuleer in the Minmatar section of space under the name Astaroth Crow. She read my bio I put on my description for all to see, and sent me a message about it without me even having to ask or anything.
*The conversation with Astaroth Crow was fabricated to further the story, but the fact that she contacted me for the purpose of my character bio was true.
About a week ago, I decided to join a new corporation, a budding corporation that is focusing on both Mining and Missioning, the two things I prefer to do the most. Due to the old office being in the Amarr quarter of space, we do have a few Amarrians in the corporation, but they don't seem to be a threat to us; they aren't trying to preach to us or anything like that. Once I joined, however, the office had already been moved to Minmatar space. We mined and missioned for a while in peace, but then a few days after I joined a small but powerful corporation declared war on us, and I have yet to know why. We have not insulted or confronted them in any way, I don't believe we had ever even been in contact with them? So why... why did they go for our corporation rather than any other? Is it perhaps because there are secrets that they feel that they must keep me or any other capsuleers of my corporation from finding out? Perhaps it has to do with how soon after I joined that they declared war on us. Do they want to keep me from finding out the truth about my ancestor?
Speaking of my ancestor. A day or two ago, I met a new capsuleer in the Minmatar section of space under the name Astaroth Crow. She read my bio I put on my description for all to see, and sent me a message about it without me even having to ask or anything.
Rintarou... I read your short autobiography posted in the Concord book of known capsuleers. I noticed that you referenced your ancestor, but you did not name him. Do you not know his name? Anyways, I have some information that might prove useful to you. He had a code greeting he would say to people to end a conversation. While I do not know what the phrase is supposed to mean, I know what he said. "El. Psy. Congroo," he would often say.
~Astaroth Crow
Thank you, Astaroth. It would seem I am not insane after all; everyone I've asked thus far has just stared at me blanky, wondering who the heck I am talking about. Unfortunately, as you said, I do not know my ancestor's full name; only his first name, Rintarou, as I was named after him. Much of my family was named after him, though we lost his surname long ago. But now, with a phrase, I am sure this will help me pinpoint my search greatly. Is there anything else you might now of him? Any stories, or anything like that?
~Takashi Rintarou
Unfortunately that phrase is all I know about him, but if I find any more information through various sources I will attempt to inform you immediately. As for his name, I might suggest seeking out the Makise family in the Amarr section of space. They are a family of primarily scientists, and most of them are on-board scientists rather than capsuleers. Since they do not believe in the coherence of science and religion, most of their family is for the most part afraid to apply to become capsuleers. Nonetheless, there are likely a few capsuleers in their family. Anyways, I think they were closely tied with your ancestor at one point, so you might should consider tracking them down and asking them. They might be nervous about their safety, openly rejecting the Amarr traditions and all, but if you can get them into your cargo hold, and into a station, they should be okay.I thanked her again for her help. But such incredible luck! To just have happened to have moved to Minmatar space around the same time that a newer capsuleer happened to have seen and contacted me with extremely useful information! The chances of this happening so flawlessly are so slim, but nonetheless, it happened. Yes, that must be it. Destiny itself has favored me over others to find out the truth and overthrow the government that rules from the shadows!
~Astaroth Crow
*The conversation with Astaroth Crow was fabricated to further the story, but the fact that she contacted me for the purpose of my character bio was true.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Journal Entry No. 2
I joined a corporation two days ago, the Tax Evasion Ninjas. It is a budding mining corporation with only a few members in it, and just yesterday I found out that the CEO of the corporation is actually only a few days into the game herself. The corporation itself is very helpful and friendly, and does not cuss. Furthermore, the Tax Evasion Ninjas quite fittingly, have the amazingly low tax rate of 1.0%.
As such, I am beginning to reconsider whether I should continue to stay in this corporation. As much as I would enjoy becoming second-in-command, having joined only a day or two after the corporation was founded, I believe that fortune comes first. I'd rather pay a slightly larger tax and get mining boosts, fleet protection, etc., than have a low tax and not fleet much. Granted, there is always the chance that Tax Evasion Ninjas might go large, that they might become a major or semi-major corporation. However, with how much experience the CEO has, I highly doubt this. Not to say that I am much more experienced, but still...
I've been looking into Red Eagle Industries corporation. I had a nice chat with one of the recruiters, Emma Chasteau. She informed me that they were a small but growing corporation with two small offices in LowSec. As of now, she confirmed my suspicion that they were a HighSec corporation based on how many members are in it. However, she then followed that up with stating their goal to then move on to LowSec and possibly even NullSec once they got more members. It is obvious that I would gain a great profit by joining this corporation, possibly even a position of power since I joined the corporation so early.
However, they are primarily Amarrians. While the corporation is open to all factions, their base of operations is located in Amarr space. As one might expect, this causes the main capsuleers in the corporation to be Amarr. I could deal with Amarr if they had information about my ancestor, so I asked her if she knew anything. "Do you or any of your corp know anything about my ancestor, the one spoken of in legends? He saved humanity from a dystopian feature using only a cell phone and a microwave. His first name was Rintarou, just like mine. Do you know anything of him?" I had said. She just looked at me blankly, as if I was insane. Which in a way I suppose I was, wanting information about an ancestor that lived over eighteen thousand years ago. Just as the great heros Moroni, Beowulf, King Arthur, and Hercules were remembered, I had thought, so should my ancestor Rintarou be remembered. Unfortunately, it seems this was not the case.
I can't give up my search, though. Who knows what kind of brain-wiping technology the Amarr use to make sure secrets don't get out? Perhaps if that is the case, there could be rebels, Amarrians who would not submit to their precious God-Leader's commands of memory monitoring. Of course, this whole brain-wiping technology was still just a conspiracy to all, so I can't be sure of anything. The conspiracy stemmed from the occasional amnesia of the Amarr when asked a question and their constant happiness. Now, this 'amnesia' is actually a fairly common phenomenon that occurs here in New Eden. When your capsule is destroyed by accident or by pirates and you do not have an up-to-date clone, you will lose a number of memories depending on how outdated your clone was. The only thing that makes this in the Amarr peculiar is how often it happens. The side effects aren't exactly the same, and it seems to happen more often to the Amarr. This leads to another conspiracy of the Amarr: eugenics control. If an Amarrian capsuleer begins to stray from the path their God-Leader desires, their clones are supposedly downgraded (one can check the status of a clone from any location, but a downgrade in clones has never been documented, or if it has, the Captain's Log containing it was destroyed) a program built in to every Amarrian's capsule self-destructs via remote access by the Amarrian government. When the capsuleer wakes up in their new body, they forget their recent rebellious spree and are trained to follow the Amarrian government once again.
...Dammit. And now I'm back to where I started. If rebellious Amarrians are 'reset', then there's no chance I could get any useful information from them unless I was lucky enough to meet them while they were rebelling. I could try moving my search over to the Minmatar race, I suppose. Having been enslaved by the Amarr for an extended period of time they're sure to have picked up a few secrets, even if only a small amount. That, and the Gallente and Minmatar are generally quite friendly to each other, unlike the Amarr. Never mind, scratch that. The Amarr hate everyone; apparently the Amarr is the 'Chosen Race' according to them. They just happen to hate Minmatar more than most because the Minmatar escaped their tyrannous slavery.
I joined a corporation two days ago, the Tax Evasion Ninjas. It is a budding mining corporation with only a few members in it, and just yesterday I found out that the CEO of the corporation is actually only a few days into the game herself. The corporation itself is very helpful and friendly, and does not cuss. Furthermore, the Tax Evasion Ninjas quite fittingly, have the amazingly low tax rate of 1.0%.
As such, I am beginning to reconsider whether I should continue to stay in this corporation. As much as I would enjoy becoming second-in-command, having joined only a day or two after the corporation was founded, I believe that fortune comes first. I'd rather pay a slightly larger tax and get mining boosts, fleet protection, etc., than have a low tax and not fleet much. Granted, there is always the chance that Tax Evasion Ninjas might go large, that they might become a major or semi-major corporation. However, with how much experience the CEO has, I highly doubt this. Not to say that I am much more experienced, but still...
I've been looking into Red Eagle Industries corporation. I had a nice chat with one of the recruiters, Emma Chasteau. She informed me that they were a small but growing corporation with two small offices in LowSec. As of now, she confirmed my suspicion that they were a HighSec corporation based on how many members are in it. However, she then followed that up with stating their goal to then move on to LowSec and possibly even NullSec once they got more members. It is obvious that I would gain a great profit by joining this corporation, possibly even a position of power since I joined the corporation so early.
However, they are primarily Amarrians. While the corporation is open to all factions, their base of operations is located in Amarr space. As one might expect, this causes the main capsuleers in the corporation to be Amarr. I could deal with Amarr if they had information about my ancestor, so I asked her if she knew anything. "Do you or any of your corp know anything about my ancestor, the one spoken of in legends? He saved humanity from a dystopian feature using only a cell phone and a microwave. His first name was Rintarou, just like mine. Do you know anything of him?" I had said. She just looked at me blankly, as if I was insane. Which in a way I suppose I was, wanting information about an ancestor that lived over eighteen thousand years ago. Just as the great heros Moroni, Beowulf, King Arthur, and Hercules were remembered, I had thought, so should my ancestor Rintarou be remembered. Unfortunately, it seems this was not the case.
I can't give up my search, though. Who knows what kind of brain-wiping technology the Amarr use to make sure secrets don't get out? Perhaps if that is the case, there could be rebels, Amarrians who would not submit to their precious God-Leader's commands of memory monitoring. Of course, this whole brain-wiping technology was still just a conspiracy to all, so I can't be sure of anything. The conspiracy stemmed from the occasional amnesia of the Amarr when asked a question and their constant happiness. Now, this 'amnesia' is actually a fairly common phenomenon that occurs here in New Eden. When your capsule is destroyed by accident or by pirates and you do not have an up-to-date clone, you will lose a number of memories depending on how outdated your clone was. The only thing that makes this in the Amarr peculiar is how often it happens. The side effects aren't exactly the same, and it seems to happen more often to the Amarr. This leads to another conspiracy of the Amarr: eugenics control. If an Amarrian capsuleer begins to stray from the path their God-Leader desires, their clones are supposedly downgraded (one can check the status of a clone from any location, but a downgrade in clones has never been documented, or if it has, the Captain's Log containing it was destroyed) a program built in to every Amarrian's capsule self-destructs via remote access by the Amarrian government. When the capsuleer wakes up in their new body, they forget their recent rebellious spree and are trained to follow the Amarrian government once again.
...Dammit. And now I'm back to where I started. If rebellious Amarrians are 'reset', then there's no chance I could get any useful information from them unless I was lucky enough to meet them while they were rebelling. I could try moving my search over to the Minmatar race, I suppose. Having been enslaved by the Amarr for an extended period of time they're sure to have picked up a few secrets, even if only a small amount. That, and the Gallente and Minmatar are generally quite friendly to each other, unlike the Amarr. Never mind, scratch that. The Amarr hate everyone; apparently the Amarr is the 'Chosen Race' according to them. They just happen to hate Minmatar more than most because the Minmatar escaped their tyrannous slavery.
Monday, February 3, 2014
Journal Entry No. 1
I am finally ready to begin my adventure into New Eden, after years of training and work. I began this journey with two goals in mind: fame and fortune being one, like all other capsuleers I've met. The second being in hopes of meeting another capsuleer, or even ship crew member, who has information about my ancestor. My ancestor, all the way back before New Eden was founded, back on Earth, had died quite the mysterious death. His body was never found, and there had been rumors that he had been cloned and revived later, here in New Eden.
My second goal in becoming a capsuleer is to find any and all information regarding my ancestor who saved humanity from a dystopian future through the use of a cell phone and a microwave. There are numerous rumors addressing my ancestor, but each and every one of them has their holes. One rumor even states that memories of him in other separate but parallel universes were too strong, causing his existence to entirely fade from this universe. If I find any entries or information about my ancestor, I will attempt to place it here, along with a date-stamp of when I think the event occurred.
I need to come in contact with other capsuleers who might know about my ancestor. Battling them will just piss them off and ruin any chance of me learning more. I will battle if the need arises, but I will avoid opening fire on others ships if at all possible. Besides, even if I were to engage in capsuleer warfare, I would likely not gain much profit; there is a high-risk high-reward involved in warfare. Losing could mean millions or tens of millions of Isk loss. Of course, this is a risk involved in most Isk-making schemes. Even in entrepreneurship, one can lose Isk by losing a ship during a courier contract, however this risk is especially high in warfare. And thus, I believe mining raw materials and manufacturing goods is the best plan of action. When people come to me wanting me to manufacture goods, I can try to find information about my ancestor by talking to them. I don't have to make complicated spreadsheets like an entrepreneur, and I don't have to hunt down troublesome rogues with a bounty.
Either way, I have an advantage my ancestor did not have: I am immortal. Unfortunately, all the other capsuleers are immortal as well, so if someone has a grudge against me, then there is no stopping them until they get revenge. I just pray that revenge does not mean destruction of all information regarding my ancestor.
I am finally ready to begin my adventure into New Eden, after years of training and work. I began this journey with two goals in mind: fame and fortune being one, like all other capsuleers I've met. The second being in hopes of meeting another capsuleer, or even ship crew member, who has information about my ancestor. My ancestor, all the way back before New Eden was founded, back on Earth, had died quite the mysterious death. His body was never found, and there had been rumors that he had been cloned and revived later, here in New Eden.
My second goal in becoming a capsuleer is to find any and all information regarding my ancestor who saved humanity from a dystopian future through the use of a cell phone and a microwave. There are numerous rumors addressing my ancestor, but each and every one of them has their holes. One rumor even states that memories of him in other separate but parallel universes were too strong, causing his existence to entirely fade from this universe. If I find any entries or information about my ancestor, I will attempt to place it here, along with a date-stamp of when I think the event occurred.
I need to come in contact with other capsuleers who might know about my ancestor. Battling them will just piss them off and ruin any chance of me learning more. I will battle if the need arises, but I will avoid opening fire on others ships if at all possible. Besides, even if I were to engage in capsuleer warfare, I would likely not gain much profit; there is a high-risk high-reward involved in warfare. Losing could mean millions or tens of millions of Isk loss. Of course, this is a risk involved in most Isk-making schemes. Even in entrepreneurship, one can lose Isk by losing a ship during a courier contract, however this risk is especially high in warfare. And thus, I believe mining raw materials and manufacturing goods is the best plan of action. When people come to me wanting me to manufacture goods, I can try to find information about my ancestor by talking to them. I don't have to make complicated spreadsheets like an entrepreneur, and I don't have to hunt down troublesome rogues with a bounty.
Either way, I have an advantage my ancestor did not have: I am immortal. Unfortunately, all the other capsuleers are immortal as well, so if someone has a grudge against me, then there is no stopping them until they get revenge. I just pray that revenge does not mean destruction of all information regarding my ancestor.
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