"Dammit! Why aren't they working? I don't care how weak those F-ing Armor Repair units are, just get us the HECK OUT OF HERE!" I yelled to the crew.
"Yes, Captain!" A crew member yelled and then muttered something about his pay.
A loud crashing sound. And another. The noise became so loud and so constant, it almost seemed to become ambient.
"Captain, they've breached hull!"
"Frag! How much time we got?"
"30 seconds, maybe less."
"Shit." If we keep on a straight trajectory for the Acceleration Gate, we'll probably be destroyed. But is it worth it to warp somewhere else? I don't know if we'll have time to align and get to warping speed before we're destroyed.
"Captain, the hull's about to break!!"
"HOLD YOUR GROUND!" I yelled, my heart pumping a thousand times a second.
The crew all looked at me in alarm. I'd almost forgotten that the crew are not immortal.
"We don't have enough time to align and warp to another anomaly. Plus, if we run away this time, this mission isn't going to finish itself. We'll have to try again, and there'll be more pirates who've warped in to battle. We're going to that Acceleration Gate at all costs!"
The crew nodded and scrambled, making sure all the modules were all running perfectly.
I was going to extremely pissed off if I lost this ship. The Myrmedon ship cost me 80 million ISK, and I'd bought it today.
"Captain, we've reached the Acceleration Gate!"
"Well what are you freaking waiting for? Activate it!"
"Yes, Captain." He responded and started typing the warp coordinates into the onboard computer.
We aligned to the same direction as the Acceleration Gate, and a moment later we warped in.
I slid back in my seat. That put way too much stress on me. If capsuleers weren't immortal, that surely would have shaved a year off of my lifespan.
We finished warping a moment later, and no sooner did we receive a transmission.
"Crap! Our hideout's been discovered! Don't let them get away!"
No... We don't have enough strength to last another battle. Maybe 20 seconds, if we were lucky. "Warp away! WARP AWAY!!" I thanked my Creator that non-capsuleers don't warp-scram us capsuleers.
"Where do you want to warp to?"
I waved my arm in a sense of command. "I don't care. You could warp to the middle of nowhere, for all I care!"
He nodded and started typing in coordinates into the system. Just as we aligned, the pirates began to lock onto us. Thankfully, we were mostly up to warping speed, so we just escaped without them doing much damage to us.
"Phew... That was... stressful, to say the least. I really ought to get some exotic dancers in this ship for stressful moments like this." I chuckled for a moment. "That's the last of missioning I'm doing for a while. I almost had a heart attack, and I'd rather not repeat that experience."
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